The Definition of Farm to Table.

About our Pasture Raised Poultry

At the end of the winter, we brace ourselves and order way more day old Cornish Cross chickens than our comfort zones can tolerate. Admittedly, our motives are slightly selfish. We want to fill our freezer for free. But we also believe that a local farmer can make a difference. If local shoppers were passionate about buying local our belief is that; we wouldn’t see nearly as many large conglomerate corporations, supply chain issues, and the health of the population would increase.

For many reasons, we believe pastured poultry is some of the best you can purchase. Our birds are raised in small shelters that are moved daily. This gives the birds access to a fresh “salad bar” each day and keeps them out of their waste. The fresh grass is supplemented with an Arkansas sourced Non-GMO feed helping to support the rapid growth rate of the breed.

When available, we offer a number of poultry products in our online store. These products include: Whole Chickens, livers, and gizzards. (For the true southerners!)

Our Why?

Raising your own food and knowing its origin brings a sense of pride. However, Sarah has grappled with stomach issues for the past five years. The cleaner our diet became, the more impactful conventional store-bought chicken proved to be. Surprisingly, adopting a 'chicken and rice' diet made us feel worse. After extensive research and understanding the conditions in industrial chicken housing, we decided to take the leap and start raising and harvesting our own chickens. Since our first bite and having a freezer full of chickens from the year we raised them, we haven't turned back."

How It Works

All orders for birds must be placed by February 28th of each year. This way, we can ensure that we order enough chicks. Due to the short growing season in Arkansas (attributed to hot summers), we can only raise a couple of rounds of birds before the onset of heat or cold weather. To place an order, a non-refundable deposit will be required. This deposit will be applied to the balance due at the time of pickup. If your birds are not picked up within a week of availability, you will forfeit your deposit, and your meat will be resold.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my chicken be packaged?

All chickens are packaged in a 5 mil vacuum sealed bag.

Is my chicken grain and/or soy free?

The chickens are fed a local non-gmo locally Arkansas grown grain. The chickens do best with growth on a grain/soy feed. At this time, we do not have a source for non-soy/grain chicken food that is at an economical price. 

Can I get my chicken cut into pieces?

In order to keep the price of the meat at an affordable price, we do not have the capacity to cut the chicken into pieces. However, for all customers interested, we will provide a free video to all customers that purchased on how to break down a chicken into cut pieces. 

Can I come help process the meat?

We welcome anyone who has ordered birds from us to join us on harvest day if you want learn and help process the meat birds.

Does my chickens have antibiotic and/or hormones?

All chickens are vaccine free, hormone and antibiotic free.

Do I have to pick all my birds up at the same time?

Yes, at this time we do not have the capacity to store and/or freeze your chicken.

Is this USDA processed?

The state of Arkansas has an exemption to allow for on-farm processing and sales up to 1000 meat birds. At this time, the birds are not processed under USDA inspection. We do this to keep the cleanest and healthiest bird at an affordable price. Travel adds stress to the birds which can impact the meat. 

Is this safe?

Families have harvested their own chicken for decades (your grandma may have done this until recently). With a small operation we see the birds from three days old to harvest. This way we can have our eyes on each bird and handle the processing with care each step of the way. Plus, we have personally done this for ourselves for the past 4 years.

How Do I Order?

All orders can be placed on our online Farm Store